
Be Equipped! Be Encouraged! Be Inspired!

Online Bible Studies

40 Minute No-Homework Series

Building a Marriage that Really Works

Thursdays, January 9-February 13, 2025, 7:00-8:30 pm ET, Register now

Description: For Women Only! Marriage can be fun, romantic, and exciting. It can also be challenging to blend two lives into one. Marriage requires “give and take,” but can be painful when we are in a constant battle of “tug of war.” No one is perfect, so no marriage is perfect. Our aim is not perfection, but rather to work together to demonstrate to the world the love and grace God offers His people. Since marriage depicts God’s covenant love for us, let’s hear what He has to say about the topic, let’s bask in His love for us, and let’s come with a willingness to see our relationships transformed. This course is open to all women, regardless of marital status.


Turning Your Heart Toward God

Thursdays, April 3-May 15, 2025, 7:00-8:30 pm ET, Register Now

Description: Blessed…, blessed…, blessed…, blessed…, blessed…, blessed…, blessed…, blessed…, blessed…

This is how Jesus describes the life of His followers! In His “Sermon on the Mount,” He vividly presents the manifold blessings given to those who love Him and devote their lives to Him in faith. Do you need to know what blessings He offers? Do you need to be reminded of the blessings that belong to you as His child? He died not only to save us from our sins, but also to walk with Him and be completely satisfied by the full, abundant life He offers. Come and join us for this 6-week study as we seek to discover and experience the depths of blessing God has for us in Christ!

Bible Studies with Daily Homework

Light Homework (15-20 min daily):


Together: Union with Christ and Each Other 

Thursdays, June 12-August 14, 2025, 7:00-8:30 pm ET (no meetings July 3 or 10), Registration not yet open





The Purpose of Prayer 

Thursdays, August 28-September 25, 2025, 7:00-8:30 pm ET, Registration not yet open


In-depth Studies (45-60 min daily):

Precept Upon Precept Revelation Part 4

Mondays, February 3-May 19, 2025, 7:00-8:30 pm ET, Register now

Description: There are no pre-requisites for this course. Join us for this 14-Lesson study of Revelation 4-20, looking through the lenses of the Old Testament prophets. Indeed, both the Old and New Testaments have much to say about the Messiah and His kingdom and the events preceding His earthly coronation! It will be such a blessing to complete the study of Revelation together!



Precept Upon Precept  Luke Part 1

Mondays, August 25-November 24, 2025 (no meetings September 1 or 15), 7:00-8:30 pm ET, Registration not yet open


Other Opportunities

Save the Dates!

Women’s Retreat at Camp Caraway, NC on Friday, September 12 – Sunday, September 14, 2025! More details to follow!

Precept Upon Precept Bible Study Leader Training

Do you have a desire to see others studying God’s Word? Do you enjoy speaking in front of others? Perhaps the Lord is calling you to become a Precept Upon Precept Bible study leader. We offer free training and count it an honor to be a part of the multiplication process – disciples making disciples who will make disciples. Contact us for more information!

Note: We are available for speaking & singing engagements for small groups, worship services, retreats, and other special events. Contact us to learn more or schedule your event.